VidyoDesktop autostart on login under Linux

Your VidyoDesktop client on Linux always starts when you login no matter your settings? I mean, you unset «Start VidyoDesktop on login» and it’s ignoring you? Solution:

rm ~/.config/autostart/VidyoDesktop.desktop
sudo rm /etc/xdg/autostart/VidyoDesktop.desktop

Why the option doesn’t work is beyond me, but this does.


Installing Skype on Debian Testing

I just went through the classical painful process of dist-upgrading my Debian Testing on the laptop. The main reason to do so is that I wanted to install Skype, which I hadn’t installed before on this machine, and it wasn’t playing ball with the dependencies. So I went ahead, dist-upgraded and almost all the dependencies for Skype seemed to be fixed, but one:

dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de skype:i386:
skype:i386 depende de libssl1.0.0; sin embargo:
El paquete `libssl1.0.0:i386' no está instalado.

(yes, my system is configured in Spanish)

So, since libssl1.0.0.:i386 doesn’t seem to exist now in the repositories, I was stuck with libsl1.0.0 for amd64 arch.

The solution was to force the installation ignoring dependencies:

dpkg --force-depends -i skype-install.deb

Surprisingly, it works without doing anything else.

Of course, this breaks the package system, but what is a Debian Testing system without a bit of fun?

An alternative, and probably better solution is to manually download the libssl packages for amd64 and i386 which don’t seem to be present in the repositories (Germany at least). Since the version must match, the version from the repositories for amd64 and the one from the packages website for i386 were not working for me.


Switching between screen inputs without a switch

At my office I have two computers: a Linux desktop and a laptop running Linux and Windows. I have a dock station for the laptop, plugged to the two screens that I also use with the desktop computer, in alternate inputs (DVI/VGA). Changing the inputs in these screens is a bit of a hassle, because they are not the «one-click-switch» type. I need to go into the menus and browse through the options.

As I have enough with changing the USB connectors for the mouse and the keyboard, I found out a «hack» to disable the video output of the desktop. This way, when I turn on the laptop the two screens automatically search for the next available input.

The trick consists in using FrameBuffer suspend mode, manipulating the contents of /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank. I use these two scripts:

echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank

echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank

I left them in my home directory: /home/user/bin/

Since writing to /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank requires root permissions, I edited /etc/sudoers and added the following two lines:

usuario ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/usuario/bin/
usuario ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/usuario/bin/

The last step is to add two key bindings in KDE:

  1. Create a new group, named «Screen».
  2. Create two new bindings: «On» y «Off».
  3. I assigned two keys I never used in my keyboard (this one has multiple media shortcuts, mail, home, etc.). You can also use combinations such as «Ctrl+Alt+whatever«.
  4. In «Action», just enter the path to the scripts using sudo::
    sudo /home/user/bin/
    sudo /home/user/bin/

This is working in Debian Wheezy with a dedicated graphics card.
